Sunday, December 07, 2008

Introducing the Delphi Wizard Framework

I just posted my latest version of my wizard framework to  

This is some general purpose code that I have found myself using in many of my projects, as most of them at some point involve the need to step a user through many different "wizard" screens.  The concept behind it is quite simple, rather than code the button clicks on each form, instead use a container to hold the form which contains the buttons.  Each "wizard page" is a separate form, and can be invoked by the classname rather than a specific class.  This allows for the wizard to be data driven, and the loose binding into the project allows for easy reuse of wizard pages in other wizards.

For those who have used my tFrameManager component in Delphi 5, will see a few simularities.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be posting further instructions on how to put the system into action, along with some advanced tricks which are not currently evident in the sample project.


unused said...

Do you prefer Google Code hosting over SourceForge?

Bart Roozendaal said...

I use TJvWizard for my dialogs. Easy and very accessible..

SKamradt said...

Jim, I thought I would give Google code hosting a try. It seems to work fine with TortoiseSVN and is very easy to use.

SKamradt said...

Bart, I'll be going over some of the design decisions and differences shortly. This code is being offered as a means of solving a problem and by no means is the only way of doing so.

TDelphiHobbyist said...

The project can not be loaded because the required personality Delphi.Personality.12 is not available.
OK Details >>

Bummer. There must be a hack to beat this.

TDelphiHobbyist said...

[blush] Never mind ... figured it out.